Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Get to Know the Speakers...Adam Barr

We are thrilled to have Adam Barr joining us this October. Adam has attended the conference before, but this will be our first time having him as a speaker. He is in his fifth year as the Senior Pastor of Peace Church (EPC) in Middleville.

Here are Adam's answers to a list of questions we sent to each of the pastors who will be sharing with us at this year's conference:

What’s your wife’s name, how long have you been married and do you have any children?
  • My wife, Jennifer, and I have been married for 15 years. Jen and I have four sons (12, 10, 8 & 6).
Share a little about your educational background.
  • I’ve had the opportunity to gain a BA (Religion, Philosophy), MDiv, and ThM (Philosophy of Religion) and have also completed several PhD courses. Along the way, I had the chance to study at Hope College (BA), University of Aberdeen (Scottland), Western Theological Seminary (MDiv), Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (ThM), and Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, PhD classes).

What were your favorite parts about your educational experience?
  • I’ve had the opportunity to meet some really amazing professors along the way. The interest, time and wisdom they invested in my life have blessed me so much! Additionally, I appreciate the opportunities I’ve had to dig deeply into subjects that interest me. Finally, it has been a profound joy to “build relationships” with fellow believers throughout church history by reading their works. The more time I’ve had to do that, the more I see that the challenges of our time, while unique in some ways, were clearly faced with courage and wisdom by those who have gone before us.

Have you pastored elsewhere?
  • Before serving at Peace, I was the Pastor of Teaching Ministries at Corinth Reformed Church in Byron Center, MI and an associate pastor at Fountain of Life Church in Lombard, IL.

What have been some of the best lessons you’ve learned in your role as a pastor?
  • The Word of God is sufficient! Exposing hearts to Scripture is my first and most important task—starting with my own.
  • We can’t form disciples through systems and services alone; we must form personal relationships.
  • It takes time to do anything worth doing. Which means it takes patience to do anything worth doing.
  • The Holy Spirit brings change; we simply stay faithful.

What would you most like your church to be known for?
  • I want Peace Church to be known as a thriving, biblically-centered discipleship community.

What books of the Bible have been most impactful on your personal growth and ministry?
  • Proverbs: Since I was a boy, I’ve generally made a habit of reading a chapter in Proverbs that corresponds to the day of the month. Proverbs has taught me the value of diligence, vigilance, and silence.
  • Colossians: For such a short letter, Colossians presents one of the most exalted views of Jesus and how our identity in him leads to a live of holiness and love.
  • 1 John 3:1-3: When we behold Jesus, we become more like him. We can never forget that seeing Him is the great joy that makes perseverance possible and worthwhile.

Who are some of your greatest spiritual influences in these three categories: 

1) Pastors/scholars/authors from the past
  • Martin Luther, John Calvin, George Herbert, Jonathan Edwards, Herman Bavinck, Geerhardus Vos, Cornelius Van Til, C. S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, Greg BahnsenAnthony Hoekema,Watchman Nee, Chuck Colson 
2) Current pastors/scholars/authors
  • Ben Patterson (mentor/pastor/author), Kevin Harney (mentor/pastor/author), John Piper, Wayne Grudem, Sam Storms, David Wells, Timothy Keller, Scott Oliphant, J I Packer, Charles Simpson, Greg Beale, Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, Albert Mohler, Ray OrtlundKim Riddlebarger

3) People we maybe haven’t ever heard of…but would be blessed by if we had
  • Randy Barr (my father, a pastor/missionary), Herman Kanis(mentor/prayer partner)

Are there any books that you find yourself regularly re-reading?

What books have you written, edited, or made contributions to?

General Editor
  •  God's Word Study Bible, Baker Publishing, TBR

If you could spend an entire day with one person of your choosing from the Bible (not including Jesus), who would you choose and why?
  • Noah. I would be fascinated to learn what the pre-flood world was like. 

If you could have been present at any event in the Bible, which event would you choose and why?
  • Old Testament: The events surrounding the Exodus, plagues-the parting of the Red Sea. It would be incredible to see God, through supernatural events, bring the greatest empire in the world to its knees.
  • New Testament: The trial and crucifixion of Jesus. I would love to spend eternity worshiping the risen Lamb that I had witnessed on the altar.

What are some of your hobbies/interests apart from the Bible/theology?
  • Writing and playing music, writing and reading fiction, camping, hiking, fishing and whatever else allows me to spend time with my family.

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