It's a joy to welcome back Jason Helopoulos as a conference speaker. Jason spoke at our conference two years ago on The Glory of Christ in His Transfiguration. Audio from this excellent message and all other past conference messages can be accessed here.
Jason has served as the Associate Pastor of University Reformed Church (soon to be in the PCA) in East Lansing for four years. He also is a frequent contributor to the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals' Christward Collective blog and The Gospel Coalition website.
What’s your wife’s name, how long have you been married and do you have any children?
- Leah (18 years) and I have two children: a daughter who is 10 and a son is 7.
Share a little about your educational background.
- B.A. in History and Secondary Education -- Eastern Illinois University
- ThM. Historical Theology and Christian Education -- Dallas Theological Seminary
What were your favorite parts about your educational
- Getting introduced to new ideas and seeing the hand of the Lord work throughout history.
Have you pastored elsewhere?
- Yes. A PCA church plant in East Lansing for 5 years and a PCA church in North Carolina for 3 years.
What have been some of the best lessons you’ve learned in
your role as a pastor?
- The need for utter dependence upon the Lord
- Necessary reliance upon the ordinary means of grace to work: Word, Sacraments, and Prayer
- Patience and long-suffering are not to be despised and mark all good ministers of the gospel
- The only thing sweeter than the love of God's people is the love of God Himself
What would you most like your church to be known for?
- Faithfulness to the Scriptures
What books of the Bible have been most impactful on your
personal growth and ministry?
- Colossians
Who are some of your greatest spiritual influences in these three categories:
1) Pastors/scholars/authors from the past
- Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Watson, John Calvin, Richard Baxter, Geerhardus Vos, and JC Ryle
2) Current pastors/scholars/authors
- Sinclair Ferguson, Ligon Duncan, Paul Settle, and David Powlison
3) People we maybe haven't ever heard of...but would be blessed by if we had
- Paul Settle
Are there any books that you find yourself regularly re-reading?
- Stott's The Cross of Christ, Ryle's Holiness, and Edward's The End for Which God Created the World
Are there any books that you have either written, edited, or made contributions to?
- A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home by Jason Helopoulos, Christian Focus Publications, 2013.
- The New Pastor's Handbook: Help and Encouragement for the First Years of Ministry by Jason Helopoulos, Baker Books, 2015
If you could spend an entire day with one person of your choosing from the Bible (not including Jesus), who would you choose and why?
- Apostle Paul--I don't think I would need to do much talking. I could just sit back and listen to him discuss God and the things of God and soak it all in. I would love to hear him on the subjects of Christ's glory and the church.
If you could have been present at any event in the Bible, which event would you choose and why?
- Reading of the Law upon its discovery during the reign of Josiah. I would want to see what a true revival of God's people looks like as they respond to hearing and being moved by His Word.
What are some of your hobbies/interests apart from the Bible/theology?
- Cooking, reading, and playing with my kids.
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