- My wife’s name is Carey and we’ve been married for 10 years.
- We have three children: Caleb (6), Natalie (5), and Thomas (4 months)
- I started out my education in music and have a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education and a Master’s Degree in Music performance from the University of Northern Colorado. Later in life, I went to seminary at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL.
- My favorite part of being in school was belonging to a community with others who shared similar goals and passions. (Sounds like something we should be fostering in our churches!)
- I’ve been at Cornerstone EPC in Brighton, MI for three years.
- No, with the exception of an internship at Goodwill Church in Montgomery, NY.
- So many things…but one powerful thing I’ve learned is that every person is unique; that each of us sees the world, God, and others from a unique perspective. Every human being is a walking story, an evolving novel. I’ve learned that my role as a pastor is to help people make the connection between their story and the Christian narrative as embodied in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Their story becomes incorporated within His story; their poetry is weaved into the divine poetry.
- Different churches can be known for different things…maybe great doctrine, or dynamic worship. My dream would be for Cornerstone to be known for an outward love for others that reflects the heart of Christ for the world.
- I have been most impacted by the books of Amos and Romans. Amos continues to show me that God’s care for people is holistic, it encompasses both body and soul. Jesus displays holistic care when he displays concern for people’s physical needs as well as their spiritual needs. How we treat the poor, marginalized, and outcast matters to God. On the other hand, the book of Romans has impacted me intellectually. It continually pushes against my assumptions and reminds me that my ‘system’ is never adequate. I think the Reformers reflected this in their maxim of “Always Reforming.”
1. Pastors/scholars/authors from the past
- The author from the past that has had the most influence on my life is Martin Luther…particularly his book The Bondage of the Will, which was my baptism into Reformed thinking. I wasn’t the same person before and after I read it.
- As for current authors, I have been most influenced by N.T. Wright and James KA Smith. Unfortunately, Wright isn’t kosher among some in the Reformed tradition due to his position on justification; an issue which is largely semantic rather than substantive. Personally, I have found him a helpful guide in knowing how to read, ask questions of, and understand the Bible. I have also been influenced by Stanley Hauerwas and Tim Keller.
- Two authors who have been helpful to me to understand ethics and modern culture has been Charles Taylor and Alasdair MacIntyre.
- One book I find myself looking through and thinking about regularly is Miroslav Volf’s book Exclusion and Embrace. Volf’s book paints an important picture of how Christians should be relating to others, especially those we call our enemies. Another (especially given this particular election) is the book by James Hunter called To Change the World. So much energy has been wasted and people turned away from the church by aligning Christianity with partisan politics. Hunter shows a different way…something he calls ‘Faithful Presence.’ His analysis of culture and the institutions that form it is very helpful.
- Probably the Apostle John…only so that I could sit down with him and go through the book of Revelation together. Can you imagine THAT Bible study?
If you could have been present at any event in the Bible, which event would you choose and why?
- I would be present at the burning bush. I SO identify with Moses and his feeling of inadequacy, and love the merciful response of God that He will be with Moses and teach him what to say.
- Apart from Bible/theology, I’m a jazz nut (or more likely…nerd). It drives my wife crazy because if we’re hanging out somewhere and jazz is playing in the background, I get instantly distracted (although I can usually name the musicians performing…like I said…nerd!)
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